Welcome to Part 2 of our Top Android Interview Questions and Answers series.
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Let’s dive deeper into Android development with our next set of Android Interview Questions and Answers.
What is the difference between Serializable and Parcelable in Android?
Answer: Serializable is a Java interface that is used to serialize an object into a stream of bytes, which can be saved or transferred over a network.
Parcelable is an Android-specific interface that is used to serialize and deserialize an object into a Parcel, which can be used to pass data between components in an Android application. Parcelable is more efficient and faster than Serializable because it creates a smaller object size.
What is a content provider in Android?
Answer: A content provider is a component in Android that provides a standardized interface to access data from one application to another. It is used to share data between applications and access data from a database or file system.
What is an Android emulator?
Answer: An Android emulator is a software program that emulates an Android device on a computer. It is used to test Android applications without the need for a physical device.
What is the Android Activity Lifecycle?
Answer: The Android Activity Lifecycle refers to the series of states an activity can be in, from when it is first created to when it is destroyed. The lifecycle includes methods such as onCreate(), onResume(), onPause(), and onDestroy().
What is the purpose of the layout file in Android?
Answer: The layout file in Android defines the user interface components of an activity or fragment. It specifies the position, size, and behavior of each user interface element, such as buttons, text fields, and images.
What is the difference between a thread and a process in Android?
Answer: A process is a self-contained unit of execution that has its own memory space, whereas a thread is a lightweight unit of execution that shares the same memory space as the parent process. In Android, each application runs in its own process, and each process can have multiple threads.
What is an AsyncTask in Android?
Answer: An AsyncTask is a class in Android that is used to perform asynchronous operations on a separate thread from the main UI thread. It is often used to perform background tasks, such as downloading files or loading data from a database.
What is the purpose of the Android Intent Filter?
Answer: The Android Intent Filter is used to specify the types of intents that an activity or service can handle. It is used to declare the actions, categories, and data types that an application can respond to.
What is the difference between a broadcast receiver and a content provider in Android?
Answer: A broadcast receiver is a component in Android that listens for system-wide broadcast events, such as when the battery is low or when the device is connected to a network. A content provider, on the other hand, is used to share data between applications and access data from a database or file system.
What is a Gradle in Android?
Answer: Gradle is a build automation tool used to build, test, and deploy Android applications. It is used to manage dependencies, compile code, and package the application into an APK file. Gradle is based on the Groovy programming language and uses a script-based configuration syntax.