RadioButtons value in the SQLite, display ListView in Android
In this tutorial, we will create a simple radio button in the SQLite database. The Radiobuttons value is inserted into the database and displayed in the ListView.
In this tutorial, we will create a simple radio button in the SQLite database. The Radiobuttons value is inserted into the database and displayed in the ListView.
Unknown host ''. You may need to adjust the proxy settings in Gradle. The “auto-detect proxy settings” method does not work then try to this method.
In this tutorial, we’ll create CheckBoxs with SQLite database and display CheckBox data into ListView.
We will use cardview in recyclerview for better recycler view and also add additional features like selected random background color, text color and icon color.
Now, to store large number of data, we will need a database. So we will know a little about the database connectivity on Android step by step.
There are many situations when you can decide to change project name, app name, package name. Let’s see in detail how to change
Solution Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata'. So we’ll discuss the different methods with solutions. We’ll try to one by one all possible methods that help to solve your problem.