Android multiple choice Quiz Post category:ANDROID STUDIO QUIZE Reading time:1 mins read 0% Android Studio Skills Check 1 / 25 What is an “Intent” in Android development? A way to manage app permissions A tool for debugging apps A type of layout manager A message object used to request an action from another app component An Intent is a messaging object used to request an action from another app component, such as starting an activity or service, or delivering a broadcast. 2 / 25 Which method is used to start an activity in Android Studio? startService() startActivity() startBroadcast() startIntent() The startActivity() method is used to start a new activity in an Android app. It takes an Intent as a parameter, which specifies the activity to be launched. 3 / 25 What is the primary function of the “Build Variants” tool in Android Studio? Managing project dependencies Analyzing code performance Configuring different build types and product flavors Generating code documentation The Build Variants tool in Android Studio allows developers to configure different build types (e.g., debug, release) and product flavors (e.g., free version, paid version) for their app, enabling them to build multiple versions of the app from a single codebase. 4 / 25 Which of the following is NOT a component of Android Studio? Layout Editor Emulator Code Editor Debugger While Android Studio includes an emulator for testing apps on virtual devices, it’s not considered a core component of the IDE itself. It’s a separate tool that comes bundled with Android Studio for testing apps. 5 / 25 Which method is used to display a toast message in Android? Toast.create() Toast.makeText() Toast.display() The Toast.makeText() method is used to create a Toast message. It requires the application context, the message, and the duration as parameters. To display the toast, you call the show() method on the resulting Toast object. 6 / 25 What is the purpose of the “Logcat” tool in Android Studio? Generating code documentation Creating log files for debugging Managing project files Optimizing app performance Logcat is a tool in Android Studio that displays system and app log messages. It’s primarily used for debugging purposes, allowing developers to monitor system and app messages during app development and testing. 7 / 25 Which method is used to start a new activity and receive a result back in Android? startActivityForResult() startNewActivity() startService() startActivity() The startActivityForResult() method is used to start a new activity and receive a result back. The result is returned in the onActivityResult() callback method. 8 / 25 Which tool in Android Studio is primarily used for analyzing app performance, including CPU, memory, and network usage? Layout Inspector APK Analyzer Profiler Logcat The Profiler tool in Android Studio allows developers to analyze various aspects of app performance, including CPU usage, memory allocation, and network activity. It helps in identifying performance bottlenecks and optimizing app performance. 9 / 25 What is the main function of the “Gradle” tool in Android Studio? Managing project dependencies and building projects Designing user interfaces Debugging apps Writing code Gradle is a build automation tool that manages project dependencies and builds projects in Android Studio. It’s essential for compiling code, managing dependencies, and generating APKs. 10 / 25 What is the purpose of the “ConstraintLayout” in Android Studio? To perform unit tests To debug network calls To simplify complex UI layouts with a flat view hierarchy To manage project dependencies ConstraintLayout is a flexible layout manager in Android Studio that allows developers to create complex layouts while maintaining a flat view hierarchy. It helps in reducing the nesting of views and improves layout performance. 11 / 25 What does the “res” directory in an Android Studio project contain? Source code files Resource files such as layouts, strings, and images Build scripts Configuration files 12 / 25 What is the purpose of the “AVD Manager” in Android Studio? Analyzing app performance metrics Creating and managing Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) Generating code documentation Managing version control for projects The AVD Manager in Android Studio is used to create and manage virtual devices on which Android apps can be tested. It allows developers to emulate various device configurations for testing purposes. 13 / 25 Which of the following classes is used to persist data across application restarts in Android? SharedPreferences RecyclerView Intent Service SharedPreferences is a class in Android used to persist simple key-value pairs of data across application restarts. It is commonly used for storing user preferences and settings. 14 / 25 Which annotation in Android is used to denote that a method overrides a method in a superclass? @Super @Override @Inherited @Overriden The @Override annotation indicates that a method is intended to override a method in a superclass. It helps to catch errors if the method does not correctly override a method from the superclass. 15 / 25 Which component in Android Studio allows you to manage SDK packages? AVD Manager SDK Manager The SDK Manager in Android Studio allows developers to manage SDK packages, including installing, updating, and deleting SDK components such as platforms, tools, and system images. 16 / 25 Which file is commonly used for storing UI layouts in Android Studio projects? .java files .gradle files .xml files XML files are commonly used in Android Studio projects for defining UI layouts using the XML markup language. These files are located in the “res/layout” directory of the project. 17 / 25 What is the purpose of the “Version Control” integration in Android Studio? Tracking changes to project files and collaborating with other developers Generating code documentation Managing project dependencies 18 / 25 Which method is used to handle a click event on a Button in Android? onTouch() onPress() onClick() 19 / 25 Which of the following tools in Android Studio is used for inspecting and analyzing the layout hierarchy of an app’s UI? Layout Inspector Profiler Logcat APK Analyzer The Layout Inspector tool in Android Studio allows developers to inspect and analyze the layout hierarchy of an app’s UI. It provides insights into how UI elements are arranged and rendered on the screen. 20 / 25 Which programming language is predominantly used in Android Studio for app development? C++ Java Ruby Python While Kotlin is increasingly popular, Java has been the traditional language for Android app development. Android Studio fully supports both Java and Kotlin. 21 / 25 Which file in an Android Studio project contains the list of permissions the app requires? res/strings.xml build.gradle AndroidManifest.xml 22 / 25 What is the purpose of the RecyclerView in Android? To handle background tasks To recycle system resources To manage project dependencies To efficiently display large sets of data in a scrollable list RecyclerView is a flexible view used for displaying large sets of data in a scrollable list. It is more efficient than ListView because it reuses item views, reducing the need for new views to be created. 23 / 25 What is the main advantage of using Kotlin over Java for Android development in Android Studio? Kotlin reduces boilerplate code and is more concise Kotlin has better performance Kotlin is the only supported language Kotlin is easier to learn 24 / 25 Which of the following statements about ViewModel in Android is true? It survives configuration changes such as screen rotations. It is used for managing project dependencies. It is a type of layout manager. It handles UI rendering directly. A ViewModel is designed to store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle-conscious way. It survives configuration changes such as screen rotations, ensuring that data is not lost during these changes. 25 / 25 What is Android Studio primarily used for? 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