Welcome to part-4 of our Top Android Interview Questions and Answers series.
Take your interview preparation to the next level with our additional set of questions and answers. Keep exploring and improving your knowledge to achieve interview success!
Let’s start, with more questions and answers.
What is the purpose of the Android Intent system?
Answer: The Android Intent system is used to communicate between components within an Android application, as well as between applications. Intents can be used to start activities, services, and broadcast receivers, as well as to pass data between components. They provide a flexible and extensible way for applications to interact with each other.
What is a PendingIntent in Android?
Answer: A PendingIntent is a type of intent in Android that is used to allow a user to perform an action later, without requiring the application to remain running in the foreground. A PendingIntent is typically used to launch an activity or service in response to a user action, such as tapping a notification or a widget. A PendingIntent can also be used to start a background operation, such as downloading a file or processing data, without requiring the user to interact with the application.
What is the Android Loader framework?
Answer: The Android Loader framework is a component that helps an application to load data asynchronously and efficiently. Loaders are designed to provide a consistent and efficient way to load data from a data source, such as a database or content provider. They are particularly useful when loading large amounts of data, or when data is being loaded from a remote source, such as the internet.
What is the Android Animation framework?
Answer: The Android Animation framework is a set of classes and interfaces that allows an application to animate user interface elements. Animations can be used to provide visual feedback to the user, as well as to create engaging and dynamic user interfaces. The Animation framework provides support for both property animations, which animate object properties over time, and view animations, which animate the entire view hierarchy.
For Example
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private Button aniBtn;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
aniBtn = findViewById(R.id.aniBtn);
aniBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
private void animateButton() {
// Create an ObjectAnimator that will animate the Y position of the button
ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(aniBtn, "translationY", -100f);
What is the Android Asset Manager?
Answer: The Android Asset Manager is a system service that is used to access files and other assets that are packaged with an application. Assets are typically used to store non-code resources, such as images, sounds, and text files, that are used by the application at runtime. The Asset Manager provides a simple and efficient way to access these resources from within the application.
What is the difference between match_parent and wrap_content in Android?
Answer: match_parent and wrap_content are two attributes used to specify the size of a View or Layout in Android.
match_parent (or fill_parent) means that the view should be as big as its parent element, taking up all available space.
wrap_content means that the view should be only as big as its content requires, wrapping around the content and expanding or contracting as needed.
In general, match_parent is used to fill the available space and wrap_content is used to fit the content within a layout.
For Example
android:text="Click me!" />
android:text="Hello, World!" />
What is the difference between an Explicit Intent and an Implicit Intent in Android?
Answer: An Explicit Intent is used to start a specific component, such as an Activity or Service, within the same application or in a different application. An Explicit Intent specifies the component to start by name or by class, and can also pass data to the component as extras.
For Example
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private Button launchButton;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
launchButton = findViewById(R.id.launch_button);
launchButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, SecondActivity.class);
An Implicit Intent is used to start a component based on an action and/or a data type, without specifying the component by name or by class. An Implicit Intent can start any component that is registered to handle the specified action and data type.
public void shareText(String text) {
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, text);
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, "Share via"));
For example, an Implicit Intent with the action ACTION_VIEW and a data type of image/* can start any application that is registered to handle the viewing of images.
What is a Loader in Android?
Answer: A Loader is a framework component in Android that is used to asynchronously load data from a content provider or other data source. Loaders are designed to perform data loading operations in a way that is optimized for performance and that avoids blocking the main UI thread. Loaders also have built-in support for configuration changes, such as screen rotations, that can cause the loader to be destroyed and recreated. This makes it easy to handle data loading and UI updates in a way that is efficient, robust, and responsive.
What is the role of an Adapter in Android?
Answer: An Adapter is a component in Android that is used to provide data to views in a ListView, GridView, or other type of AdapterView. Adapters are responsible for creating a view for each item in the data set and for handling user interaction with those views. Adapters can be implemented as a subclass of BaseAdapter or ArrayAdapter, or they can be created using the RecyclerView or ViewPager2 components in Android.
What is a Broadcast Receiver in Android?
Answer: A Broadcast Receiver is a component in Android that is used to receive and handle system-wide broadcast events. Broadcast Receivers can be used to respond to events such as device boot, network connectivity changes, or incoming SMS messages. Broadcast Receivers can also be used to send custom broadcast events within an application or to other applications, using the sendBroadcast() method.